Sunday, December 1, 2019

Edge of The Apocalypse Book Trilogy [ New Cover]

Hey folks, I hope you're well and moving ahead with your plans. As usual, I'm working on my most important project.

After a hiatus of about 6 months, I'm back in the saddle and making great progress.

A small change of plans with the book series, which improves it by leaps and bounds so here is one of the new covers.

This is the original cover I had designed for the first book but I had added an image of Andrea and her dog because most of the books in this genre include a figure in the foreground. And so I think it's important to keep this image similar to other books in this genre. Although, that being said, I've noticed that just about anything goes in this sub-genre (post-apocalyptic) as long as you're showing some kind of explosion event. This image is inspired by those atomic blasts that the government tested back in the 50's.

I've had to revamp this first book because I've expanded the story to 3 books in this series and so I've made some subtle changes to Book 1. Book 2 is complete and Book 3 has reached chapter 8 and almost done. I have an amazing ending for this series and look forward to writing it and putting it out there in early 2020.

The good part is that the series is far better with more depth and it flows much better and makes more sense how I've organized it now. I'm very excited to finally finish the three books by the end of this year so I can start to promote them early in 2020 leading up to the debut of the board game on September 11, which is in its final stages of testing.

New Sepia tone box with book offer.
What a great way to start the new year, with a new product on the market. It's going to be exciting to promote these books along with the companion game. I've taken my time with it for several reasons but mostly, I'm careful to design it all as best I can.

I'm confident that once I polish the three books and the game, everything will come together as intended and sales will hopefully reflect all the work I've put into this project for the past 4 years. Sales are of course important for this and any project, however I'll feel good about it either way because this project is meaningful to me and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I'll be posting the other two books in this series, Epic Apocalypse, and Beyond the Apocalypse soon, using the new font.

The offer on the box is for a free e-book download, which helps promote the 3 book series on

A lot going on with this project but the best is yet to come next year when everything is on the market at the same time. At that point I can focus on promotions while I finish work on another board game, Warpd!, which is also close to completion.

Enjoy the holidays and have a great new year, folks. I'll see you on the other side with more exciting news very soon.

BTW, the new Tesla Cybertruck is available for pre-order. Deliveries begin around 2022. Very awesome truck and I mention this Cybertruck in my story. It's how Andrea and Maria flee Austin after the initial nuclear attack. And yes, these 2021 models should still be running in 2157. That's only 137 years away. Imagine that.

Tesla Cybertruck

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