Sunday, May 14, 2023

Asylum Earth Board Game Prototype

New Prototype Box for 2024

Here's the new prototype box I plan to print in September. As you know, anything goes as far as how this game will look for its big debut next year if all goes well. I'm taking the rest of this year to finish it and re-test it with the same group. 

As I've said before, the themes haven't changed at all and all the Avatars and books remain intact. What has changed a bit is the monochrome sepia tone, which I'm fond of and I've used it here to good effect. I'm not a fan of a lot of color, especially when it comes to the apocalypse so I think this works, even though the actual color is a bit more muted and not as warm as you see it here.

I also fixed Andrea's hand and found a much better android-looking hand so this cover is as close to the final image as I'll get for the next prototype. Yes, there are many changes and additional card decks but only because they have improved the playability of the game and enhanced its look and feel overall.

You just can't pass up something better if it comes along, you've got to go with it even if it sets you back several months. The game will always improve even after its publication, as all products do, but the goal is to release it at its best with as many improvements as you can. First impressions count.

The biggest change was the board itself. I'll never regret changing it because it not only simplify's the gameplay but I think it just works and looks more interesting. And it was a feature I already had in play from the beginning but starting the game in New York City makes more sense and focuses the game in a more engaging way. Originally, the game ended in NYC, but now it begins there because that's where everything important ultimately winds up and takes place.

I'm looking forward to printing this new and improved game, especially the box because it's going to have a cool effect with a matte finish with shiny text. And so the name and other key elements will really stand out.

Another good feature is the two QR Codes on the back of the box. That works nicely and takes you right to the Rulebook (PDF file) or the ebook on Amazon. I'll most likely include another code for the collectible hardcover book.

A lot going on, as usual, so I'll get back into it and forge ahead. Plenty to still do but it's getting there, slowly but surely.

Play on, folks.