Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Ultimate Juggling Act [Preaching To The Choir]

The Realities of Product Development

Knock, Knock

Let's face it, this is not exactly what's going on in my life but you get the idea. I'm juggling a lot of projects at once and when you spread yourself too thin, very little gets done.

Who's There?

When life happens to you, such as having a large family with many problems, your personal life ends. Actually, I like to say that there's only one problem: the lack of funds. Money can surely solve 99.9 percent of our problems.

Okay, so that's the goal. Do what you love and generate the income you need to survive and thrive. Easier said than done but that's still the master plan. Meanwhile, the clock keeps ticking and the decades fly by. God knew what he was doing when he designed our limited lifespan. That's why we must use our time wisely. There needs to be more room for error.

Throw into the mix several health issues and it's pretty much a disaster in the making. Okay, boohoo, cry me a river. Nobody cares about any of that. Here's the good news.

Persevering Through The Storm

Asylum Earth® is alive and well and improving every time. I'll never give up on it because I'm obsessed with it along with four other games in the works. I'll have to work on these games for several more years until they're all finished and ready for marketing and sales. 

Monetize Your Hobby

It's a great hobby right now but when all is said and done it'll be time to sell about 8 different products. Five board games and a handful of new books. None of the products are time-sensitive so they will all establish their own trends and find an audience in due time.

At this point, I'll have to move the release dates up for most of these products including Asylum Earth.® The years go by fast so I've got my work cut out once I have fewer distractions and surprise setbacks to deal with. I can't wait to get there and I hope you'll join me.

Set Clear Goals

Life without goals is a certain death sentence. Over the years, these projects have kept me busy, kept me learning, and they have helped me escape the mundane moments we all experience in life. Without them, I would have checked out a long time ago because they give my life meaning and purpose. I am very ambitious and determined to get to the finish line soon enough.

Watch me get there.

I'd love to hear from you so now is a good time to get in touch if you have any questions. I'll see you back here soon.

Play on, folks.

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